Thoughts on tax optimization 2021
The fourth quarter offers the last opportunity to still initiate and timely implement tax optimizations.
Pension fund payout: pension or lump sum?
As a rule, the insured person can decide at retirement in what form the accumulated retirement assets will be drawn. There are usually three options to choose from: - Annuity - lump sum - Combination of partial pension and lump sum Attention! Certain pension funds have restrictions on the options available or the registration deadlines.
Pillar 3a
Occupational pension provision (2nd pillar) has been under pressure for years. Factors to be mentioned here include demographic trends, increasing life expectancy, current (too high) pension benefits, the low interest rate environment in the financial market and statutory investment restrictions. As a result of these factors, the interest rate on saved pension assets in the 2nd pillar has fallen continuously in recent years, and pension conversion rates are also being adjusted downward on an ongoing basis. Not to mention the high cross-financing of current pension benefits by today's contributors. And yet - the 2nd pillar remains one of the most important pillars in retirement provision. Due to the aforementioned problems in the 2nd pillar, tied free pension provision (pillar 3a) is becoming increasingly important.
Equal pay between women and men
In Switzerland, people still don't like to talk publicly about the pay for the work they do. However, the issue of equal pay for equal work has been discussed publicly for some time - and rightly so. In recent years, there have been various changes in Swiss laws to further promote this principle.
Early retirement: wishful thinking or sustainable in the long term?
Many working people long for early retirement. However, this decision has a major impact on the future financial situation. Experience shows that 1 year of early retirement costs one year's income. Early retirement is therefore not favorable at first glance, but it does not have to be ruled out in principle. It is of central importance to deal with the issue at an early stage. With the help of financial planning, the long-term effects can be recognized, visually presented and the right decisions can be made.
Wild Marriage - Clarify and Protect Yourself
Financially, living in a cohabitation (marriage-like community without marriage) is worthwhile in many cases, as long as you look at it through the lens of ordinary income/wealth tax (so-called marriage penalty) and from the perspective of individual AHV pensions. However, things get literally wild if one does not thoroughly and jointly plan for retirement and mutual security. Couples who do not want to marry do not receive statutory survivors' benefits and do not automatically inherit, even if the cohabitation has already lasted for decades - but there are several ways to provide for each other well:
Intra-family business transfers
The transfer of a business to the next generation often raises questions of matrimonial property law, inheritance law and corporate law. Particularly in businesses characterized by an entrepreneur combining capital and labor, the change of generation is regularly a delicate operation. The best solution is to deal with the succession at an early stage, involving the family members. In this way, the interests of the company and the family can be taken into account and a smooth and satisfactory transfer of ownership can be achieved for the benefit of all parties involved.
Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf die Steuererklärung 2020
Zahlreiche Steuerpflichtige waren 2020 aufgrund von Covid-19 von Kurzarbeit betroffen, arbeiteten längere Zeit im Homeoffice oder mussten sich vorübergehend in Quarantäne begeben. Bund und Kantone haben verschiedene Massnahmen ergriffen, um die finanziellen Folgen der Pandemie zu lindern. Was haben die Steuerpflichtigen in der Steuererklärung 2020 zu beachten?
Steuererklärung 2020
Es ist wieder soweit, die Steuererklärungsformulare für das Jahr 2020 sind bei den meisten Leserinnen und Lesern eingetroffen. Die notwendigen Belege werden Ihnen nun sukzessive zugehen und sind zusammenzutragen. Dann kann mit dem Ausfüllen der Steuererklärung begonnen werden. Für das Ausfüllen und Einreichen stehen Ihnen nach wie vor entweder die Papier- oder die elektronische Form (FriTax Druck oder online) zu Verfügung.
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