Payroll administration

The diversity in social insurance is considerable. With us at your side, you keep track of all personnel matters and regulations.

The legal requirements regarding social insurance and payroll are constantly changing and are becoming increasingly strict, complex and confusing. Mistakes can have a retroactive financial impact on your company for years. We provide you with pragmatic support for the services you require.

What we offer:

  • Notification of entries/leavings and mutations to the responsible offices
  • Notification of cases of illness and accidents to the responsible offices
  • Preparation of payroll statements for daily allowance payments
  • Support in any special cases (e.g. continued payment of wages in the event of accident and illness)
  • Support with the recording of working hours (documentation obligation)
  • Preparation of monthly payroll statements
  • Preparation of payroll declarations / statements (e.g. withholding tax)
  • Temporary assignments on site for bridging or substitution purposes
  • Verification of the correct application and implementation of collective labor agreements
  • Support with labor law issues
  • Outsourcing of payroll accounting and management salaries
  • Comprehensive advice on social insurance issues with domestic and foreign personnel
  • Advice on all social insurance matters
  • Pension planning from an insurance and tax perspective

Contact person

Martina Wüthrich

Martina Wüthrich

Head of Team Alternate
Fiduciary Agent with a Federal Patent
Qualified Expert in Social Insurance with Federal diploma of higher vocational education and training

T +41 31 329 20 32

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